Are You Gay If You’re Into Group Sex?
Are you really into group sex, or been thinking about it recently, and you're wondering "are you gay”? You probably pass this gay test. Manplay has some reasons. Being into group sex or having an interest in trying it does not necessarily mean you're gay. There are many different reasons that you could be into group sex, most of which don't mean anything regarding your sexuality. Maybe its human nature, something we're all wired to be attracted to. Looking back in history, there's no shortage of evidence that people have been having group sex for ages. Maybe it's a kink that you have; most men love the idea of a threesome, but this doesn't make them gay. At the same time, if your group sex interests involve strictly men, maybe you are gay! There are several potential explanations as to why you could be into group sex, and it doesn't mean that you're gay.

Are You Gay If You're Curious And Adventurous?
One reason you could be into group sex is that you're adventurous sexually. You probably have many other fetishes that you want to explore, if you haven't already, and group sex is just next on the list. Wanting to try something new doesn't make you gay because another man is present. A woman or two might be there too so everyone's just having some open-minded fun. Maybe you're a naturally curious person, or you've always wanted to try group sex. Don't let the fear of being thought of as gay hold you back from experiencing new sexual things, just because they involve other men. You might like it a lot, that's nothing to be ashamed of, and its nobody else's business. Humans are curious beings by nature, so there's no reason why that curiosity shouldn't extend into sex as well. There are so many things in sex that can be explored and feed into our curious natures, so don't worry about your sexual curiosities. If you're a super adventurous guy then maybe regular sex just isn't cutting for you anymore. Maybe you need more people and stimulation to get off, and group sex is the best possible way to do that. As long as you're being safe during your adventures, there's nothing wrong with involving as many people as you want into your sex life.
Are You Gay If You're Bi-Sexual?
If you've been thinking about group sex, or you like having group sex, it doesn't have to mean anything. There's more to being gay than what kind of sex you have. If your focus is on men and women in the group equally, then maybe you're bisexual. Being such an open person that you're attracted to both genders is wonderful, so if you think it's possible that you're bi, explore it! You don't have to label yourself as anything just because you like group sex. Look at how you feel about other men and women in a non-sexual setting, and if you still feel sexual attraction then maybe you like both. This is a great experience and adventure that you'll begin, and group sex will be more enjoyable with this realization. It might be a tough transition mentally for you to admit that you do find men attractive, but this also doesn't make you gay. Being bi means that you like women too, which is something gay men definitely do not do. Do you like the thought of you and another man alone sexually? And what about with a woman? If the answer is yes to both, then you just might be bisexual! The world is open to you for so many more opportunities because of this, and not just sexually. When it comes to sex though, group activities with both genders that you enjoy will be an amazing experience.

Spicing Things Up
You might be into group sex in terms of a threesome, and maybe you're trying to spice up your sex life. If you find that you're bored with the sex that you've been having and feel like group sex is appealing then maybe you just want to experience something new. Wanting to explore new sexual situations doesn't mean you're gay if there are other men there too. Sex clubs are full of men and women, and it's doubtful that they're concerned about their sexual identity because it's all in good fun. If you're wondering because your spouse has been asking to have a threesome, or more, with members of their same-sex, don't worry too much. Your spouse likely isn't gay. They might just want to explore some things in the bedroom that they didn't get to before you were together, and wants to involve you. Try opening your mind to the experience and not labelling what's happening. Just enjoy and explore; nobody needs to be considered gay for enjoying sex with more than 2 people.
Overwhelmed By Desire
You could also just be a super sexual man, and your sexual energy is overwhelming you into wanting everyone. Orgies have been popular since Ancient Greece, but not everybody who participated was gay. Sure, some gay men have group sex, but that likely doesn't involve women in the fun. Being so horny and feeling so sexual that you want to have sex with many people at one time is not a gay exclusive phenomenon. Some people are just really sexual and one person isn't enough to satisfy their sexual needs. Group sex is actually an incredibly common fantasy among both men and women. Exploring your kinks is a wonderful thing to do, and group sex is one that a lot of people try. It's not for everyone, but if you really get off on the idea then maybe it's something for you to consider. It can be as many people as you want involved; there are clubs that hold events specifically for the purpose of group sex and orgies. If you're curious, check one out in your area. You'll see all kinds of group sex with all genders, and you can join in as you please. This is a space full of like-minded sexual people, so it's the best place to explore your group sex adventures.

Scientists have recently discovered that the hormone progesterone may be responsible for men liking group sex. This hormone is what happens when bonds are formed between people. Men who feel a bond of friendship with other men are more likely to have fantasies about group sex involving other men. Progesterone is also present in women, so it's a human function and side effect of it to think about sex with the same gender. This shows that you don't have to be gay to be into group sex, but maybe it's a human curiosity that we all have. People have been having sex in groups for centuries, so it's nothing new to the human race. Many men and women have a desire to explore group sex, regardless of their sexual preference. This could be scientifically programmed in us! Maybe we're wired to want to mate in groups, and it's our societal functions and beliefs that hold us back. It's been a behavior that's been done by people since Ancient times, so it could simply be human nature. If this is the case, then liking group sex in any way most certainly does not make you gay.
Sex of any kind that's "non-traditional" has always been a bit taboo, and a bunch of people having sex together might be one of the most taboo acts out there. Your inner rebel could be drawn to group sex for more than just sexual reasons. Maybe you like the thought of not conforming to the "norm" of society and what is considered acceptable sex. On a similar note, maybe you just get off on breaking the rules of sex that are generally expected. Group sex could be your kink and that has nothing to do with being gay or straight, it's about having sex with other people. On the other hand, if the group sex you enjoy is composed of only men, then maybe you are interested in men. If it's just been a fantasy for you, think about who is present during your orgies in your mind. Are there any women there? If not, then consider exploring yourself a little deeper. You might be gay, and that's just fine!
If you're looking for more gay test articles on what might constitute as gay, check out these:
- Am I Gay If I Don't Want To Be A Bottom?
- 5 Reasons Every Straight Man Should Go Gay At Least Once