’s History Of Missouri Gay Marriage is one of the hottest acting platforms out there and we have plenty of Missouri hookups for you, but we also have tons of information about Missouri gay marriage. Take a look at the battles that have been fought in Massachusetts so you can get some understanding on how long the road to gay marriage has been. If you have some time to kill, what better way to spend it than informing yourself about gay marriage through our versatile and extremely smart platform? will guarantee you a good time with your body and your brain.

Missouri Gay Marriage History
The battle for Missouri gay marriage has taken quite a while, however, since the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2015, gay marriage has been legal. When it comes to gay marriage, there is plenty more to it than two people of the same sex getting together. It has a lot to do with the benefits that come with marriage. Straight couples receive many benefits when they are married and up until 2015, gay couples were unable to have these same privileges. Gay rights have been a long-term struggle in the state and many have claimed that Missouri has been a tough nut to crack when it comes to gay marriage. Since the Supreme Court ruling, some counties and some clerks have continued to remain opposed to the legal order to allow same-sex marriage. The Governor of Missouri was one of the few that aimed to support this feeling. Many voters felt strongly about the issue and it seems that many are willing to support a decision banning same-sex marriage. However, a state judicial court ruling in 2014 also showed a definite margin of support in the state and based on various county’s compliance with the Supreme Court ruling, we might be able to see some legitimate support, both ethically and legally. Missouri gay marriage is now legal thanks to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling, but there is still plenty for you to learn about, right here at
The Defining Terms Of Marriage By Lawmakers
In 2004, voters favoured an amendment that defined marriage as that between a man and a woman. This proved to be enormous blow to gay rights activists and same-sex marriage supporters. This amendment was supported by 71% of voters. One discussion that has always trumped opposition to same-sex marriage has been economics. More often than not, Conservatives claim that the financial costs of gay marriage far outweigh any benefits that can be offered. We must bring into consideration how gay marriage boosts a state economy. As small as the earnings for the state may be, it still goes to show that the positives far outweigh the negatives. After all, we know that positive emotions and ideas always trump negativity.

Amendments Are Ratified - Again
Despite these setbacks set forth by Amendment 2, Missouri did enact several laws in which same-sex couples would be recognized in the state. This was a constant force of opposition for same-sex couples in the United States. Many jurisdictions, clerks and many more, refused to acknowledge gay couples when it came to insurance, healthcare and so on. Finally in 2013, Governor Jay Nixon made an executive order allowing Missouri same-sex couples to be able to fill income tax returns. This was a constant problem for gay couples throughout the United States. One must remember that gay marriage ensures that couples can file income tax as they are legally bound to do. By banning same-sex marriages, they were in essence making any income tax return from a gay couple fraudulent. This recognition of gay couples was a step forward for gay marriage in the state.
Gay Marriage From Out Of Missouri Is Recognized
In a case titled Barrier v. Vasterlin, a judge ruled in favor of various same-sex couples who had signed onto the lawsuit. The judge determined that denying same-sex couples the same rights as straight couples defied any attempt of equal protection. This law fell under the US Constitution and essentially confirmed the absurdity of denying same- sex couples the same rights as other U.S. citizens who were in straight marriages. This proved to be a very decisive victory for gay couples in Missouri and was a step in the right direction for gay marriage advocates in the state.
Lawson v. Kelly
In 2014, two gay couples, in a lawsuit called Lawson v. Kelly filed a lawsuit against Jackson County Missouri, because they were denied marriage licenses. They were denied a hearing for the circuit court and soon the attorney general took it to the District Court where, a judge ruled, once again, that Missouri’s ban on same sex marriages was totally illegal and wildly unconstitutional. As soon as this decision was made, several counties throughout Missouri began to issue licenses to gay couples. There was no way that any gay couple could be denied their rights, based on the arguments made by judges around the country, time and time again. Banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional and failing to recognize a same-sex marriage did not carry the weight that the law of the United States aimed to uphold, and that was the concept and law of equal protection.

Missouri Gay Marriage Statistics
A recent poll by Public Policy Polling determined that Missouri gay marriage was supported by only 32% of likely voters in the state. However, this poll is likely based on voters and not registered voters. Assuming the poll was taken by a registered federal organization with understanding of registered voters, we might have a different number. has proven that gay marriage does have a foothold in the state and is largely supported by the population, with 65% of Missourians voting in favor of gay marriage. Based on a recent census, Missouri had a small amount of gay households per capita with approximately .75% of households being headed by a gay couple. The national average is about .95%.
The Current And Future Status Of Missouri Gay Marriage
Finally in June 2015, the United States Supreme Court voted in favor of allowing same-sex marriages. This ruling essentially declared that gay marriage in all states must be legalized and that all marriages must be recognized. This ruling came with the territory of equal rights that included benefits and healthcare. Like we have already discussed, this was a constant feature of gay marriage campaigning. Imagine being unable to visit your dying lover simply because you are gay, not married and the insurance companies and hospital refuse to let you see your lover? Imagine being unable to receive health coverage in a time of need, simply because you’re in a same-sex marriage? These are and were some of the questions that were posed regarding gay marriage in Missouri and all of the United States. Like we have said before, it’s a simple question of ethics and morality. The issue of gay marriage has nothing to do with belief, nor does it have anything to do with religion. It is a question of economics, society, culture and humanity. We should consider how so many of these cases involving gay marriage are relative to human rights cases in times of war. Gay marriage has been a war for many Americans and this continues to be a touchy subject for many. Overall, it is clear that many people in the United States do support the idea of equal marriage for all, regardless of sexual orientation.
External Links For Gay Marriage In Missouri
Whether you want to plan your wedding in comfort or are looking to find some great venues in and around Missouri, we have a few ideas for you. If you’d like to know your rights, we can also help with that too!
1. The ACLU Handbook On Gay Rights In Missouri
2. Classic Info On Gay Friendly Wedding Vendors in Missouri
3. A Statewide Initiative For Equal Rights In Missouri
4. Everything You Need To Know About Missouri Marriage Equality
5. How Much It Costs And What You Need For A Wedding License In Missouri