Connecticut Gay Marriage


Gay Marriage In Connecticut has all the information you need to keep you updated with the most recent and interesting info concerning Connecticut gay marriage. We start with the past and end in the future. In Connecticut, there are a lot of great things happening when it comes to gay marriage, but there are still a few things that need to be broadened or changed. There is a lot of pride in this state, but there are also a lot of people who are not very happy.

Connecticut Gay Marriage History

On August 4th 2004, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) represented nine gay couples in Connecticut who filed a lawsuit against the state court. They believed that the state’s rules and laws were discriminatory and wrong. They believed that they should be able to get married, which the state thought to be unacceptable. They fought that having same-sex marriage be illegal went against the Connecticut Constitution under the equality and liberty provisions. These cases were all denied. In 2005, Connecticut put forward a law where same-sex couples could unite into a civil union/partnership. Being in a civil union gave same-sex couples the same rights and responsibilities that a married couple would have. Connecticut was the 2nd state in the United States to put forward gay civil unions. Vermont was the first. This bill was passed on April 13th by the House and was passed on April 20th by the Governor. The law went into effect on October 1st, 2005. After the Supreme Court of Connecticut’s ruling, which found that civil unions were not providing the same rights and responsibilities of marriage, all existing civil partnerships were changed into marriages on October 1st, 2010. Gay marriage has been legal in Connecticut since November 12, 2008 after the court found that civil unions were not giving the gay couples of the state the same rights as opposite sex couples had. The people of the court were extremely upset about this issue because they thought that they had changed everything, and that they could continue on only giving same-sex couples the right to be in civil unions and no one would complain. The inequality forced these couples to come out and complain. By doing this, they ended up getting the marriage licenses that they all dreamt of. After legalizing same-sex marriage, the state of Connecticut blew up with joy. Gay couples from all over the United States came to Connecticut in order to receive marriage licenses and become married. Connecticut was one of the first places throughout all of the states to legalize same-sex marriage, and to this day, there are still tons issues to be concerned about, but there aren’t as many as in the late 90’s early 2000’s.

Connecticut Gay Marriage Statistics

Before gay marriage was legal in all of the States in the United States, 35,000 same-sex couples traveled to Connecticut to be wed. After being legalized in most states, the trip to Connecticut has been put on hold - this means that not many gay couples travel from elsewhere to get married in Connecticut. There are currently 24,000 same-sex couples living in the state of Connecticut. Less than half of those couples have children(22% have children). Before same-sex marriage was legal in Connecticut, 4,000 gay couples got married in other states. Half of those couples left the state for good, and the other half came back to their homes. 3% (that we know of) admit that they haven’t told their parents and families that they are gay.

Current Status Of Connecticut Gay Marriage

Connecticut’s current status of gay marriage is in good standings. When same-sex marriage first became legal in 2008, there was a lot of fuss and excitement and the two made for a very unusual time. Some were upset, and some were over the moon with excitement. While some people were partying and waving their rainbow flags, others were just standing on the sidelines in disgust. The people watching are the same people who are still wondering why same-sex marriage is legal. Same-sex marriage became legal in Connecticut because of the inequality gay couples felt. They were told that they would have the same rights as opposite-sex couples who were in a civil union, but it never ended up happening, so when the court saw that, they found it completely unfair and gave same-sex couples the right to get married - sweet deal, but some people don’t think that it’s fair. At the moment, there are companies who tend strictly to same-sex weddings. This shows that there are still many couples getting married in Connecticut today. There are LGBT groups in mostly all counties, which make it easy to meet and talk to other same-sex couples. There are tons of gay bars and activity centres to meet and hang out with other gay couples. Since there are places like these to go, it shows that Connecticut have a very large gay population, so even if some people don’t like the fact that same-sex marriage is legal, there are more people who are for it.

The Future Status of Connecticut Gay Marriage

The future of Connecticut gay marriage is definitely a bright one. Seeing that the court and government are behind gay marriage 100%, is a guarantee that this right will never be taken away from same-sex couples. In other states, there are people in power who still don’t believe that it is right for same-sex couples to be married. That can result in getting this law taken away. In Connecticut, there is no way that someone in power will take away these rights - that’s if the next person and the next person are for same-sex marriage as well. It is tough to tell with same-sex marriage because there are so many people for and against it. It is sad that sometimes things are based off of the personal opinion of a person in power, instead of being put in power because of a vote from the people. It is tough to say what the future of Connecticut will be like since at this time it is such a wild card.

To find out more about other gay-friendly states like Arkansas, click HERE! Also, CLICK HERE for general gay marriage information in the United States.

The following links will help on your search to find out more about Connecticut Gay Marriage

1) The Connecticut LGBT Film Festival

2) Youth and Family LGBT Services

3) LGBT Laws and Rights in Connecticut

4) Begin Planning Your Gay Wedding Here

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