Saskatchewan Gay Marriage History
Get the full story on Saskatchewan gay marriage right here on Saskatchewan has played a huge role in the human rights movement of the country. November 5th, 2004 was the day that same-sex marriage became available in Saskatchewan. The decision followed in the footsteps of other progressive provinces, like Ontario, in the country that were legalizing same-sex unions. This provincial decision also pre-dated the federal ruling in 2005. This decision further unified the same-sex couples’ desire to bond a family, since the adoption laws changed in 2001 to allow same-sex couples the right to adopt. With marriage laws in effect, same-sex couples could complete their families. Even with the law passed, no unlike other provinces, there was some push back from officiants and marriage commissioners alike that didn't believe in same-sex marriage, and didn't want to change their stance on it. In 2005, a marriage commissioner by the name of Orville Nichols refused to marry a same-sex couple on account of his religious Baptist beliefs. He filed a complaint under The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. The Human Rights Tribunal ordered Nichols to pay $2,500 in compensation to the couple for infringing their right to access public services without discrimination. This was a huge step in Canadian history in regards to equality. Every person living in the country has the right to be treated equal, and with marriage laws amended, same-sex couples were no different, and not to be treated as such. This decision was a great example of how the province was moving forward as well as a warning to those who still held onto dated thoughts on how marriage should look. The world was changing and the country needed to reflect those changes. Now, there might be some non-believers, but that doesn't mean that they aren't expected to adapt to an evolving community.
In 2011, when certain members of the government tried to pass a law to allow marriage commissioners the right to refuse to perform same-sex marriages, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal ruled that such a law would be unconstitutional. That very decision is proof that no longer will ignorance be excused, and the community needs to adjust to the changes of an evolving world.

Saskatchewan Gay Marriage Statistics
Although the numbers have been slightly skewed by the census, the number of same-sex partnerships and marriages in Saskatchewan are on the rise. Some of the faulty numbers come from the government considering same-sex roommates couples, and therefore throwing things off. Even if you take away those numbers though, it's proven that same-sex marriages in Saskatchewan are on the rise. The number of children being born and raised in same-sex households has also significantly risen. With adoption laws in place to make it easy for any couple to adopt, regardless of gender, there has been a spike in adoption. Also, because of the law that ensures marriage commissioners to marry same-sex couples no matter what their religious beliefs, more couples are heading to the altar.
Resources For Saskatchewan Gay Marriage
If you are looking for more information on Saskatchewan gay marriage, or need some links that will get you in touch with the right people, you're in the right place. Saskatchewan has an interesting history when it comes to the progression of the country, and was one of the forefront provinces to adopt the new marriage laws. They were also one of the first to ensure that the community supported gay marriage initiatives, and didn't lose sight of the need for equality laws.
How To Go About Gay Marriage In Saskatchewan
Are you looking to get married in Saskatchewan? Find all of the information on gay marriage to help answer all of your questions.
Saskatchewan Gay Marriage Laws
Gay marriage is important to the province of Saskatchewan and the government makes sure that all couples are treated equally.

Plan Your Dream Gay Wedding
Find vendors to make your Saskatchewan gay marriage ceremony one to remember.
Gay Marriage Is Changing Communities
See how gay marriage is changing the Mennonite community in Saskatchewan.
The Current & Future Status Of Saskatchewan Gay Marriage
There are many milestones for the community in Saskatchewan to be proud of. Same-sex adoption, gay marriage, and the enforcement of acceptance of gay marriage ceremonies are the biggest and most important. Moving forward, the community continues to accept and embrace the change. Different religious communities are even accepting the new laws, and embracing them for their own people. The Mennonite community has begun to allow same-sex marriages, and there was a time when this would be unthinkable. Thankfully, the new ways are being adopted by the younger generation, and in turn elders of the community are reaching out in acceptance. It's a new way of thinking that is positively spreading amongst families. There will only be more growth in the country and province as a result of the government thinking and doing for the people. Like all other progressive changes, there will be those individuals that have a hard time adjusting, but over time, same-sex marriage will become second nature and no longer something to be looked down upon. The importance of marriage exists between any gender and learning to accept that love also comes in many ways, is something the naysayers will have to learn to accept. Change is never easy, especially when the thought has been so skewed for so long, but it will come and eventually will be an afterthought.

Your Role With Saskatchewan Gay Marriage
Anyone living in Canada plays an important role. Canada is a very progressive and inclusive country, and has made great strides in catching up, and even surpassing other parts of the world in equality. It is a country of example and is showing countries, like the U.S.A, how it should be done. Although there have been monumental moments across the world in the fight for equality, there are still some areas of the world that haven't quite caught up. Those ideals also mirror those of certain people living in progressive places. Even in Canada, there's the unfortunate fact that some people just don't accept the idea of gay marriage as a whole. They fear that it will ruin the sanctity of the union. Your role in all of this in Saskatchewan is to stay calm, be open-minded, and answer questions based on your own experiences. If you come across a naysayer, keep the conversation open to the fact that what you're looking for is equality. You want to be treated the same way as any other citizen looking to wed, you want to have the same choices, and you want the life that you want. There is nothing wrong with being honest, even if the other party doesn't necessarily agree with you. Your fight is for equality, and there is no shame in fighting that fight until it is won for all of the people living in this country.
When it comes to marriage in Saskatchewan, there is so much attached to it. It's the way that we form families, the way we secure a bond with a partner and the way we secure our futures. Nobody should have the right to refuse us our choices, or dictate the choices that we make. When it comes to our own life, we should have the final say in who we spend the rest of it with. It should not be decided by an ancient way of thinking. The world is changing, the people are changing, and the laws should change, too, and they are. Thankfully, there has been huge progress made in ensuring that people feel like they are being heard, and that they are being understood.
You play a part in that by using your voice when you feel like you aren't being treated equally, and sticking up for others who might feel the same. It's easy to get complacent when you feel like there's nothing you can do, but there is always something you can do when it comes to fighting for equality. If you feel like you are being discriminated against, there are laws that protect you, and until those laws become second nature, you might have to use them to help enforce your lifestyle on the ignorant. On a lighter note, make sure that you are enjoying the new peace that comes with a law that protects individuals and their equality. Live in the moment, make commitments to your partners and know that if you choose to marry in Saskatchewan, you can do so with ease. Starting a life with someone should be exciting and should stand alone without a bunch of legalities to wade through. Luckily, you can now enjoy some of that peace that comes with marriage thanks to laws that protect same-sex couples in Saskatchewan and allow them the same rights as opposite-sex couples. When you are ready to take your relationship to the next level, thanks to a progressive country, you will be able to do so at your own pace. Enjoy it and be happy!