Newfoundland Gay Marriage Information & History
Find out more about Newfoundland gay marriage on Newfoundland became the eighth out of thirteen provinces to legalize gay marriage in 2004. Gay marriage in Newfoundland was rapidly accepted by the provincial government before the federal government enforced the law. Marriage licences were issued to same-sex couples since December 21st, 2004, and same-sex couples were able to adopt children jointly in April, 2002. There were some officiants that refused to perform same-sex marriages who were warned by the provincial government that they either perform the marriages or resign. Following in the stern laws of the Province Page: Manitoba government, Newfoundland and Labrador weren't playing around when it came to enforcing the new law. The country was changing their stance on gay marriage, and Newfoundland was there for every step. In 2009, the House of Assembly amended the Marriage Act by replacing the words 'husband and wife' with 'spouses' and changing the definition of 'spouse' in other acts to properly reflect what it meant in an inclusive country. There may have been some push back, but overall the province and country as a whole were thrilled that the new laws were put into place to ensure the feeling of equality for all residents. Gay marriage was always looked at as something outside of the norm, but with the new laws, every couple can feel comfortable knowing they can progress in their relationship without anymore hurdles. Marriage should be and is now available for all couples regardless of gender, and the country couldn't be happier.

Statistics Of Newfoundland Gay Marriage
In the Fall of 2003 and 2004, two lesbian couples were denied marriage licenses by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. They filed lawsuits against the provincial and federal governments and by December of 2004, both couples were granted their wish to get married. They made history in the province and were ecstatic that they didn't have to travel outside of their home province to wed in another. In 2005, Gordon Young, an evangelical pastor in St. John's tried to appeal the decision of the courts to legalize same-sex marriage. The case did not proceed and the province laid out the rule that officiants must perform same-sex marriages or resign. Although that rule couldn't be carried out provincially, it did change the mind of many officiants, and more and more same-sex couples were wed.
More Newfoundland Gay Marriage Information
Newfoundland and Labrador looked to other provinces and moved forward with the legalization of gay marriage. They were the eighth province to sanction same-sex marriage and wanted the gay community living in the province to feel at ease. If you are looking to get married in the province, or just want some more information on gay marriage in Newfoundland and Labrador, there are links that will help you below. Everything from obtaining marriage licenses to vendors that will help make your special day a reality are on this page. Find what you're looking for, and get all the information you need about Newfoundland gay marriage.
Newfoundland Gay Marriage History
Residents share their fight over gay marriage and divorce, and how the province needed to step up to accommodate all same-sex couples.
LGBT History In Newfoundland
A brief overview of the community supporting the gay marriage movement in Newfoundland.

How To Get Married In Newfoundland
Take the right steps to get to your gay marriage celebration.
Photograph Your Special Day
Meet photographers that will capture gay marriage the right way, and help you remember your special day with the best pictures you could ask for.
Vendors That Support Newfoundland Gay Marriage
Meet the biggest supporters of gay marriage in your area to help you have the best wedding possible.
The Current & Future Status Of Newfoundland Gay Marriage
While there are still some people in the province that don't fully support gay marriage in Newfoundland, the amount of residents that do out number them tremendously. It might take some time before the idea changes that marriage should be between a man and a woman. There are many laws that need to be amended to reflect the needs of the people today, and thankful same-sex marriage was one that was on the list, and has been adjusted accordingly. It's hard for people to change the way they think when the law has been the same for so long, but it's time for everyone to get with the times and realize that love is love no matter the gender. Same-sex marriage is not a new thought, but it is a new law, and while it might take people some time to catch up to the new way of living, in the long run, future generations will thank the people who made the changes. The more that we fight for equality as a country, the more inclusive the future of this country will be. There's no reason for things to stay the same when the people have made it clear that they want change, and they want to matter. When people who live in a country feel like second class citizens, there is absolutely a problem that needs fixing. In this case, same-sex couples felt like they didn't belong in their own homes, and weren't being seen as equal. There was a huge problem no allowing couples to wed as they please, and even now with the new laws, there are still some people that need to catch up with the new laws. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but some of those opinions come from a thought process that is very outdated. The more progressive a country is, the more it will reflect on the people as new laws, like same-sex marriage, become second nature, and no longer taboo. The future of gay marriage is a bright one because even those people who have a hard time adjusting to a new way of thinking will see that love comes in so many different shapes and forms, and it's time to accept that.

Your Role With Newfoundland Gay Marriage
If you are looking to fight for the equality of same-sex couples, know that you're not alone. Even with the laws being in favour of gay marriage, that doesn't mean that there won't be some barriers when it comes to people living in the past. When you find that there is push back from the community, it is then your job to educate the ignorant. Know that the province is also aligning with the purpose of equality, and there are many supporters of the cause. There will be a period of adjustment, and people who don't understand or who are taking some time to catch up, may come around, and if they don't, there will be more who do. There is a lot of support for the gay community all across the country, and that support will continue to grow until the conversation switches to that of a normal occurrence. Gay marriage shouldn't be centred out as something that's different or not accepted. It might take some time, but eventually the idea of gay marriage in Newfoundland will be as normal as opposite-sex marriage.
More and more same-sex couples are getting married, and the number of same-sex couples to opposite-sex couples is evening out. It might never be equal, but it will be close enough that it's widely accepted across the country. Even if we don't fully see it in this generation, there will come a time where future generations no longer have to defend their right to marry whomever they want, and convince anyone why they want to do so. Nothing is perfect, but the important thing is that this is a progressive country and the government has been making moves to ensure that all citizens feel comfortable and that they can marry and divorce as they please. Getting a divorce in Canada is not as easy as getting married. Your job with gay marriage in the country is to inform yourself of the processes so that you too can understand how it all works. There is still a fight for couples who wed in Canada who reside outside of the country, and the government is working to smooth out the kinks as soon as possible. Everyone who weds in Canada should be legally married, and those that request a divorce should be granted that as well. There should no longer be stipulations, and the government is working to amend those as well. The conversation will continue until those kinks are worked out, and the job of those living in the country are to push until the changes are made. Making sure that everyone feels included in everyday society, and in every community is the end goal. Your job with gay marriage is to play your part and to show up when the gay community needs you. Until equality is a thing that doesn't need to be fought for, everyone in the country plays a part to make it happen.