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Join The Best Party Online!

  • 1. Get Your Membership:

    All you need is an email address and unique username and you're ready to join the crowd.

  • 2. Find Hot Circuit Boys:

    These boys party hard, so aggression pays off. Jump right in and tell them what you want.

  • 3. Time To Party!

    Whether you meet them at the club, or invite them to meet you in your bedroom, it's sure to be the sexiest party of the night.

Hear From Real Party Animals:

JOhnnyBEardo - 24, Miami Beach

Some people think my life is crazy, but I feel at home in the circuit scene. Clubbing and raves and drinking and drugs and fun and sex - they all go hand in hand for me. ManPlay is the only site I've found that caters to us circuit freaks and makes it easy to find people who have the same mindset as I do. It's great to be able to by-pass all that small talk about whether they like "going out".

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NumberOneinFun - 40, Los Angeles

I'm a club owner and when I'm at work I want to make sure I have nothing but the best arm candy by my side. ManPlay.com has quickly become my #1 resource for finding the most beautiful local gay men on short notice. Everyone I've messaged is enthusiastic and ready to have a good time, even before I tell them that I own the club we're going to. I can't imagine a better site.

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KingOfAtlanticCity - 27, Atlantic City

ManPlay is definitely the only site I've found that actively helps you work the circuit. I don't even think most gay dating sites realize that it is a popular and well-known area of the gay community. I don't even know if those sites have anyone gay on their staff! With ManPlay I can easily find all the guys that are already in the circuit and invite them out to show them a good time. Everyone wins.

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lyfter_82739 - 26, New York City

I'm not one for writing testimonials, but ManPlay has changed my life for the better in so many ways, so let's do this, bitchessss! I joined on the recommendation of a fellow circuit friend, not thinking I would find circuit guys specifically, just thinking I would maybe find some fun guys for the daytime. Finding out that ManPlay had a whole area dedicated to circuit? MAGIC.

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Work hard, play hard? That's what we all say, right? Just kidding - none of us work hard, we just work smart, right guys? I'm happy to meet guys at the club, but meeting guys online first, and setting up to meet later that night is sexy and thrilling. I love scanning the club, locking eyes with someone who I already know I'm going to take home at the end of the night.

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I don't mind being your token Asian circuit boy. I think it's sexy to be considered such a hot commodity. It's probably why I love this community so much. I think I probably take more days off than the average circuit guy, but when I party I party hard and when I get dirty I get REALLY dirty. I really love to video chat - if you're up for it, send me a request.

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I have a job that allows me to travel the world. What they don't know if that I use that opportunity to explore my love of the circuit community in every country I'm in! It's crazy being able to just go online and find someone interested in the same party and casual sex lifestyle as you in minutes. Even language barriers have been overcome in the name of hooking up! My profile will list where I'm traveling next. Hit me up ;)

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I don't consider myself anything too special, but I'm nice and I like to have a good time and I try to make sure people I'm with are having a good time too. So, if that sounds like something you can get jiggy with then let's jig, hommie. I'm happy to go out and do something fun, but I'm no stranger to getting a hot and heavy cyber boner and just going straight to a bed. Hit me up!

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From Party Time To Downtime - ManPlay Has Circuit Boys 24/7

Just because those fancy clubs are the favorite hangout of circuit boys, it doesn't mean you can't find them anywhere else. It might not always seem like it, but at some point every circuit boy goes home to his circuit bed. But you know what always stays up? His gay dating profile on ManPlay.com. Whether at home, at a friend's, in the club, or in transit, you can easily find all the hottest circuit boys in the city with just a few clicks of your mouse or a few taps on your smartphone. Whether you're looking for a date to bring to the club, guys you can meet who are down for some dirty fun, or you're looking to be the relaxing getaway for a weary circuit boy at the end of a long night of clubbing, ManPlay is here to facilitate your needs. Circuit boys know that no matter how good the club scene is, it's no match for the unlimited selection of men you can find on ManPlay.com. Any hour of the day, any day of the week: ManPlay is home to millions of men looking to hook up, and you'll never be with found with a lack of options when it comes to finding local men looking to hook up when you are. Join the circuit scene online and find the men who know exactly how you roll. It's never been easier to find sex than it is now with ManPlay.com. We make everything simple, easy, and fast so that you can get laid NOW. Check out our satisfied member testimonials or just sign up for ManPlay now and see for yourself!

Find a Date For The Next Hot Circuit Party

No one wants to be the man who shows up to the circuit party without some sexy, young thang on their arm, right? Well, ManPlay is the perfect place to find a hot date to join you at the hottest party in town. Whether you plan on meeting different men at the circuit party, or you plan on taking your date home at the end of the night, or you plan on finding men who would be interested in joining you and you circuit date, at least you will have started off your night on the right path. Nothing is sexier than a taken man, so showing up with another man at your side just makes you all that much more desirable. With ManPlay as part of your party preparation, we guarantee that you'll have at least one man to go home with at the end of the night!

...Or Ditch The Party All Together

We know that being a circuit boy is basically defined by whether you're out at circuit parties, but at some point every circuit boy becomes a circuit man and just can't keep up with the crowd like they used to. But, as you know, you can take the man out of the circuit, but you can never take the circuit out of the man. Use ManPlay.com to find other circuit lovers—you know you already have things in common—and try something new! Maybe it's finally time to try that fancy new restaurant downtown, maybe you could see one of the latest blockbuster flicks, or maybe it's just time to skip all the nonsense and get that man in your bed. It's up to you, and ManPlay can help.

Hookup With Me!

With ManPlay You Can Take Your Hookups On The Go

Find a Date For The Next Hot Circuit Party

A shy circuit boy seems like any oxymoron, but we promise you they exist. You may not notice those boys watching you from the sidelines, too shy to dance. You may not notice that the same boys who dance with abandon all night long, never speak a word to another man. Shyness does exist in the circuit party world. But, get these same guys online and it's a whole different story! These shy boys can truly let loose once they get online. Their fear of rejection is gone once they see how easy it is to connect with hot singles and how desirable they are to thousands of men online. You might be surprised how many ManPlay members attend the same parties as you do every single night. Help these shy guys break out of their shell and be the party animals they are inside!

Find Circuit Boys Any Time, Any Place

We weren't lying when we said we make it a priority to help you get laid as fast and easy as possible! With the introduction of our mobile app and full mobile site, you can be on ManPlay anywhere and literally find sex in minutes. Using your smart phone, tablet, or laptop GPS, we can show you all the closest online ManPlay members who are looking for sex right that instant. All you need to do is wait for a sexy someone to message you, or you can take it upon yourself to browse the selection and make the connection. You could be lounging around at home, just about to get off from work, or right in the middle of a circuit party. No matter where you are, you will find horny guys on ManPlay waiting for someone just like you.

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