Bio: im 21 and I was named carlos, so call me that. i am me, && honestly, thats something youll never be. im amazin'. (-: i love tew love without limits. i throw everything ive got into this one emotion that can define or defy my life. im a lost cause when it comes tew conversing on the phone, i like tew be alongside people i care for. i have this longing tew be tucked away beneath the hearts of some && the memories of others. theres a time when you'll realize who matters, who never did, who wont anymore, and who always will, ive realized these things.ill make it rain on yew. i want tew make new friends. sure, ill put you before myself & maybe youll remember me when im gone. ill be right here for you, even if your not here for me. i find happiness in little things, my needs are simple and my wants are little. ill be sure tew put a smile on your face. regardless of what i write about myself, you will still have your own opinions about me. i keep my hopes up for them to be good, but im far from perfect. any kind of chewy candy will put a big smile on my face.