Bio: him likes dislikes...: well i like things of sorts,i like alot of thing and there are thing i dont even know about and could like. mainly i like chill atmosphere i like to party i dont like anger and frustration though they can be useful in some of late ive been getting lit and watching movies . im a big fan of fantasies, and scifi,im also big into films of the 1980s .i like mary jane though she isnt as big a part of my life as she used to be.. My aspirations include futhering my education in french. although im completly fluent i would like to be at the level of a translator in order to pay the way for my real dream of becoming an like to meet a veriaty of people you never know however i dont see myself being terribly attracted to femininity. but you never know..... also i think it pertinent i dont like pop music nor most rap...