Bio: In life the only things that matter in the end is the experiences we have and the relationships we make. So be true to yourself and to others. Hey, hey. Yeah so um.. This thing.. DAMN! Well, I hate using words to describe myself, I'd rather you get to know me from my actins and not my words, but here we go... I'm quiet yet loud with the right people, I'm rough sometimes but prefer to be soft, I strongly believe that tomorrow is a privilege so I live today as though tomorrow won't be there. I always try everything twice. Yeah, that's right I said twice! LOL... People see me as simple until they get to know me a little better. I'm a brick layer in the sense that I place walls and look for the right people to be able to break them down. Sometime this back fires but in general I find amazing people this way. My friends, and family are always number one in my book and I really am grateful for these people. So, in a nut shell, I am a nut shell. I'm just as lost as the next person and really, I'm still in the search for who I really am and I'm having a damn good time looking!