Bio: It's time. Imagine, spur of the moment long drives or trips to we dont know where, just as long as we are together. Bravely conquering storms, where it seems to be impossible, but coming out victoriously knowing we have each other to depend on. Watching endless sunsets, sunrise. Day after day after day. Just being there forever and forever and always, loving each other. Loving for who we are and all the more loving all the flaws we might have and just totally embracing our total attributes and characters. Im starting anew, picking up the pieces. Re-learning the ropes of a loving again. I long to again be myself, adventuous, passionate, risk taker and just taking the plunge. Longing to again enjoy things together with that special someone, hanging out at home, doing runs along Lake Shore Drive, going to the gym, more importantly just looking out and being there for each other.