Bio: Well heres a li'l something about myself and things i enjoy doing and who im about. Like i do kickboxing and miltary combat. My trainer was a vietnam vetran and he is really REALLY no fuckin joke. He tought me guns, shooting rounds, but told me my ass was too crazy to get a licence and didnt thik it safe for society to put on in my posession for even He was right too. When it comes to anythin artistic wise i will whipp your ASS in it. im self tought till college years, so im pretty advanced at what i do. Im in to process now of working on my own comic. Im working on number 5 and six at there same time. Im the writer, penilist, colorist, inker, story writer, director and the rest of hat makes the crew... I also work 2 jobs and havent slept for the past 13yrs. I dont like acting an ass or below my age Nor do i affiliate myself with those that do. Im 22 with my own place and a lot of responsibilities that come with life. I dont play games and dont like drama(altough a good movie aint that bad) i DONT judge, cause i dont have the right to. Noone is perfection and i honnestly welcome those with flaws cause Lucifer knows that im no different. and possibly WORSE then other ya' know? But yeah this is the intro so you know something about the person your talkin to. Now if you want to be friends and find some way to hang out over the summer them lemme know, we'll chat it up somemore when your return and see if we cant make it happen? And i never EVER lie.. but i always know when im being lied or bullshitted to.