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in Lothian
Learn About GDHMAN714 Request Friendship Status »
  • Date of Birth? 40
  • Sexual Status: bi-curious single man

Last Status: 30 is the new 20!

City: Edinburgh , Lothian

Bio: In my free time I like to rock and ice climb. I like my partners to be people I'd hang around with even if we weren't having sex but also believe in raw animal attraction. On Sunday afternoons I like to continue the screwing we started on Saturday night. But we'll have to get up and get some things done eventually. I believe that people should explore their sexuality more, it is a driving force in the world, it needs to be enjoyed not hidden in a cupboard. I've reached the point where I want to experience some uncomplicated relationships with like-minded partners. I really like making girls cum, I hope you are up for that! I'm not changing my life, I'm just turning up the volume on my leisure time. I look forward to putting a smile on your face. Sorry, no photos, you know what the internet is like. Happy to meet for a coffee / drink in a public place if you are interested. If you contact me please give me a day or two to reply as I'm pretty busy.

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